Hello there,
So i've been playing around a bit and have noticed a error to do with the inline code editor, and was wondering if you guys had a solution or work around. Also i've got a few 'ideas' on how to fix it but first i wanted an opinion. When pasting in html, the builder does not fully compile or recognize properties such as the image src, or paths.https://www.useloom.com/share/e1427dbdcfb24c498f2052251b4900a5
example fully responsive html causing the issue -
<p data-height="265" data-theme-id="0" data-slug-hash="wjzXEe" data-default-tab="html,result" data-user="possibly1" data-embed-version="2" data-pen-title="Example html" class="codepen">See the Pen Example html by brad (@possibly1) on CodePen.</p>
<script async src="https://static.codepen.io/assets/embed/ei.js"></script>
https://codepen.io/possibly1/pen/wjzXEeI was considering implimenting something in the lines of css-blocks/juice/cheerio or other css inlining libraries and on save/export ect create the dynamic css foreach frame element to really unleash the full power of the builder. (though code ignighter is a huge weak point for me so could take some time for basic implimentation ha). However, I wanted to see if you guys had any ideas first.
Sidenote : I thought quite some time ago when I first bought the product you guys had a video guide for creating editing options for things such as modals ect. Is that still around? Or if not any tips on creating editing features for users to create/edit popups or modals?
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